You’re looking to hire a drone photographer, right?
Yeah, I thought so.
You’re also wanting to know what this 107 thing is, correct?
Yeah, I thought so again.
Let me tell you about it.
In 2016, the FAA as part of a way to further ensure the safety of United States airspace, introduced a new section of law related to small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS). To ensure the safety of airspace, a requirement for any persons seeking to use an sUAS for pay or even just in furtherance of a business was instated that said person had to be a licensed sUAS pilot. Said licensing checks for the knowledge of how airspace works, who has jurisdiction where, who has right of way, and how to communicate with other pilots as needed.
Another thing to be aware of is that if you or someone you know flies for any of the reasons stated above and does not posses a license is subject to a fine. Businesses who hire an unlicensed pilot may be faced with an $11,000 fine and the pilot, a $1,100 fine. If you’re a realtor flying for yourself without a license, you may have to pay BOTH ($12,100) fines!
So, if you don’t have the money to buy a drone or the time and patience to learn about airspace and the effect of weather on aircraft, look no further than to SkyBlodgett for your aerial imaging solutions.